welcome to
Well Within
A 4-week Holistic Mindfulness Program
designed to help you truly feel Well Within.
the journey begins January, 26thYou are designed to feel good, physically and mentally. You are meant to live with energy, ease & joy.
And yet, most of us aren't...
Instead, we're running around on autopilot...
- Overwhelmed trying to "fix", change, and perfect our bodies, our relationships, and the world around around us.
- Constantly on the hamster wheel of self-optimization and self-perfection.
- Feeling drained, worn out, and exhausted, physically and mentally
- Feeling as though something must be wrong with "us". That somehow everyone else is doing it better, easier.
- Disconnected from our bodies, our hearts, each other and the world around us
- Focusing on everything, and everyone, except ourselves.
- Deep down knowing we are worthy of feeling better, but not knowing where to begin
But the truth is,
It doesn't have to feel this way
You are designed to feel GOOD, physically and mentally. You are designed to live with energy, vitally and ease.
And everything you need to feel that way already exists within you. You already KNOW how to do these things - you've just simply forgotten, become disconnected and stopped listening to you own inner knowing.
Well Within is your guide home.
This is NOT another diet, workout plan, or a quick fix. This is a journey home to you, so that YOU can once again become your best teacher and guide. This program goes far beyond just 4-weeks, and instead gives you the tools to create your own foundation of well being to last a lifetime.
The power to reclaim your well being exists within YOU, I'm simply here helping you remember.
I'm ready...
Well Within
A 4-week holistic mindfulness program
With mindfulness & self awareness as the foundation, you'll be guided through meditation, movement, diet and other daily practices designed to help you live Well Within
the journey includes...
Live Weekly Calls
A weekly live call with me to start each week and guide you through this experience.
A Private Library
of meditations, mindful movement classes, and whole foods based recipes (accessible for all diets and body types).
Live Meditations
with me each week to help keep us motivated, inspired and going deeper into our practices.
A True Community
A small group community where you can actually connect, share and learn alongside each-other.
Well Within is for the woman who...
- Is constantly overwhelmed trying to fix, change or perfect her body and image.
- Is doing all the things she thinks she "should" be doing to take care of herself, but is still exhausted and overwhelmed.
- Has accomplished everything she wanted externally, and yet still feels as though something is missing.
- Who lays awake at night not feeling content, as they she didn't do "enough" or is somehow behind.
- For the woman who yearns for more peace. More joy. More ease.
- For the woman is ready to feel FREE.
- Gives her life so generously to those around her, but struggles to know how to care for or love herself.
- is READY to make this commitment to herself to live with more peace, energy, joy, and ease
Here's what you can expect as a part of the
Well Within experience...
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if I can't join the calls live?
What are the "mindful movement" videos?
What if I have no meditation experience....afraid I'll be bad at it?
What is the "mindful eating" component
When are the weekly ZOOM calls with you?
When are the live meditations
testimonials from some of the women in our last program...
"Please know that this is truly changing my life..
Because of you...I opened my eyes this morning put my hands on my hearts nd thought of 3 things I am thankful for from yesterday. I see this practice being so helpful and want to try to do this daily." - Shelley
"Even after just a week...
of waking up at the same time has helped me so much. Amazing, just putting the attention on myself and this practice I've been able to find the time for ME. Even with my 3 littles, nothing has changed, just my focus. It feels so good. Thanks, katy, for your inspiration and guidance." - Kelly
"So grateful for you, Katy....
I had so much fun with this experience you created. Your program was seriously so much fun and life-changing. I shared everything with my husband and he says he has noticed little changes in me from participating with this group. Thank you for everything. I’ll see you in the next program. with my 3 littles, nothing has changed, just my focus. It feels so good. Thank you, Katy, for your inspiration and guidance." - Natasha
"When I say this has been life changing...
I truly mean it. Thank you. I’ve started waking up daily at 5am naturally for the past 3 days so I could meditate and I feel so GOOD." - Deb
..And for those of you who don't already know me,
I'm Katy
An avid lover of the ocean, good food, and spending time with those I love. I'm a mom of four, chef, registered yoga teacher, certified meditation teacher and practitioner and dedicated to living my life in my truest alignment.
But it wasn't always that way. For decades I lived feeling overwhelmed with raising four kids, not knowing how to care, nourish and love myself, let alone understand who I am.
For the past 9 years I've been on my own journey of radical self love. To find ways to invite more ease and joy into my life, no matter what's happening in my outside world.
And I want to share what I've learned with all of you. In no way am I an expert at personal growth, but I have learned so much along my path, and I want to share it with you. To sit in community along side you.
I believe strongly that the world is in need of healing, and it begins with each of us learning to love and rewaken our own hearts. Allowing that spark within us to reignite the hearts of all those around us.
The journey to find peace and love in our worlds begins with us first finding that within ourselves.